Nhat-Hao Tran.

I explore technology with undying passion.

I am currently a student, driven by a passion for science, with a desire to contribute to the development of technology to serve practical purposes and leave a lasting impact.


About Me

I am passionate about technology and am striving to excel in various aspects of computer science and software engineering. With a strong interest in learning mathematics and computer algorithms, I believe this will serve as a solid foundation for my personal development.

Hao photo


In addition to my technical expertise in software development, machine learning model training, and computer vision, I also have experience in project management and task delegation within a shared mission.

Technical Expertise

One of my favorite aspects of creating is planning the architecture of a project, exploring various artificial intelligence models, and staying up to date with new frameworks in the software development world.

  • AI Engineering
  • Software Development
  • System Programming
  • Project Management
  • Data Science